Missionaries Of the Poor

The Grail Centre

P.O. Box 14009, Mmengo KAMPALA
Tel: 0414-273292

Lay Auxiliaries of the Clergy
(Brothers of Amans)

Mother House Kisubi
P.O. Box 53, KISUBI

Focolare Movement

P.O. Box 1048, KAMPALA

NeO-Catechumenal Way

P.O Box 27044 KAMPALA

The Society of St Vincent de Paul

P.O. Box 4000, KAMPALA
Fax: 0414-343880/534278

Legion of Mary

P.O. Box 9634, KAMPALA

Alcoholic Anonymous (AA)

P.O. Box 33508, KAMPALA
Tel: 077-674013
E-mail: Alcoholicuqanda@vahoo.com