The Human Integral Development Commission
Rt. Rev. Paul Ssemogerere
- Rt. Rev. Paul Ssemogerere
Executive Secretary
- Rev. Fr. Dr. Richard Mwebe
- Episcopal Vicar for Health
- Director, Uganda Martyrs’ Guild Development Foundation
- Director, Caritas-Kampala
- Director, Projects’ Office
- Pro-Life Coordinator
- Caritas Director
- Justice and Peace Director
- Health Services Coordinator
- WEKEMBE Microfinance
- Archdiocesan Coordinator for Cooperatives
- Archdiocesan Secretary for SAAFU
- Pontifical Mission Societies Director
- Health Department
- Uganda Martyrs’ Guild Development Foundation (UMGDF)
- Caritas, Kampala
- The Projects’ Office
- WEKEMBE Microfinance
- Cooperatives
- Saabasumba Annual Appeal Fund (SAAFU)
- Justice and Peace Office
- Pontifical Mission Societies