

Ssabasumba Annual Appeal Fund


In the year 2000 when His Grace Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga was still the Bishop of Kasana-Luwero, he visited the Diocese of Trenton in New Jersey, USA where Bishop John Smith who was the incumbent Diocesan Bishop of Trenton welcome His Grace very warmly indeed. The friendship culminated into a partnership between Kasana-Luwero and Trenton Diocese.

This was the moment, in 2007, when SAAFU was officially launched by Vice President, Prof Gilbert B. Bukenya (third from left) Cardinal Wamala (first from left), flanks Archbishop Kizito Lwanga
This was the moment, in 2007, when SAAFU was officially launched by Vice President, Prof Gilbert B. Bukenya (third from left) Cardinal Wamala (first from left), flanks Archbishop Kizito Lwanga

In their interaction with the life of the Catholic Church in Trenton Diocese, His Grace was informed by the Most Rev. John Smith that he maintains the social and pastoral work of his Diocese through a Fund which was called the Bishop’s Annual Appeal Fund. It was well organised fund from all members 

of Christ’s faithful in the Diocese of Trenton. Each year the Bishop makes a personal appeal to all Catholics in his Diocese to contribute to support the activities of the Church in the Diocese.

The Bishop’s Annual Appeal Fund is a canonical fund that is derived from Church discipline. Canon 1266 stipulates that the Diocesan Bishop may set up a special fund to assist him in the funding of activities in a Diocese. On return to Uganda after the visit to Trenton Diocese, His Grace introduced the same fund to the people of Kasana-Luwero Diiocese; and to the then Bishop’s surprise the fund raised more money than ever from the tithe (1/10) from the faithful.

When His Grace was appointed the Archbishop of Kampala in 2006 he introduced the same fund to the Archdiocese of Kampala naming it Ssabasumba Annual Appeal Fund to rhyme with Canon 1266. SAAFU was launched in 2007 with a purpose of supporting the Archdiocesan projects. The very first project to be funded by SAAFU was the renovation of Lubaga Cathedral in 2007. The following years SAAFU was directed towards the construction of the New Administration Block at Lubaga which building was opened and blessed by His Grace Dr. Cyprian Kizito Lwanga on October 30th 2011. From 2012 to-date a certain percentage of SAAFU collection is being returned to Parishes depending on each individual Parish’s contribution to cater for Parish Projects and facilitation towards different needs. contributing towards the repairs of Lubaga Cathedral the result of which was the total repair and renovation followed by construction of the Administrative Block.


June 2023

1. Gratitude: The Archbishop and SAAFU director thank you Christians for all your contributions towards the church and for SAAFU in the past years since 2007.

2. What has SAAFU accomplished/ done

A lot has been achieved like: Cathedral renovation, Construction of the New Administration and WEKEMBE offices, redevelopment of the Uganda Martyrs Shrines Namugongo, Renovation of the Museum at Lubaga, renovation of the Bishops’ house at Nsambya, paid arrears hospital bill for priests, facilitation towards Kampala Archdiocese Golden Jubilee preparations, Facilitation towards Conference of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (CECAM) preparations,  Facilitation towards the welfare of Charity Homes; Mapeera Bakateyamba’s Home, Kyasira Home of Hope, Kankobe Children’s Centre, Missionaries of the Poor 

Due to covid 19 lockdown very few Parishes were have been able to contribute between 2019 and 2022 therefore the need to create more awareness.

3. Theme for 2023

Contribution towards the construction of a new parish church at Nkozi which was destroyed by the heavy rains on 2nd March 2023. It will cost 2.4 billion

4. Theme for 2024

Renovation of the Good Samaritan home, Nalukolongo.

Construction work of Nkozi Parish at its ground floor
Construction work of Nkozi Parish at its ground floor
Archbishop with the physically handcapped men and women of Bakateyamba home in Nalukolongo
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5. Strategies for getting the fund

  • The Archbishop requests every adult to contribute a MINIMUM of Shs 2000 per year and every child schooling from home to give a minimum of Shs 1000 towards this cause.
  • Primary and secondary schools contribute SAAFU through the Archdiocesan Education office which he very much appreciates.
  • SAAFU will be collected at vicariate level and the proposed time is 10am for all.
No. Vicariate Date Place/ venue
Most Rev. Paul Ssemogerere with SAAFU relaunch organization committee together with Advocacy team on 10th sept 2023


Most Rev. Paul Ssemogerere Archbishop of Kampala wishes to thank all the Clergy, Catechists, Religious leaders, Civil leaders, Head Teachers, Hospital Superintendents, the faithful and Well-wishers throughout the Archdiocese who have supported the fund since its inception which fund yielded tangible fruits


Omukama Abawe Omukisa


Fr. Timothy Lukananso

SAAFU Director/ Assistant treasurer general

Mr. Nankumba Juliet



FR. Timothy Lukananso

Tell: +256 703815850





Ms. Juliet Nankumba

Tell: +256 776345565
